Saturday, 17 April 2010

No clouds and sunburn

Day 12: Anticyclone and no flying means not a cloud or vapour trail in the sky today. There is an unbelievable silence too with no Stanstead flights.
Clare and Cavendish are a great mix of old and new, big and small houses. Clare also gets first prize for best sandwich so far at the deli and cafe in the High Street. Interesting, how one farm with boards its fields can give a disproportionate feel!
The pub on the Green at Cavendish gets the prize for best pint on this tour of South Suffolk (please note probably first pint while out on doorstep but it was needed today!)
The Nick Clegg performance continues to be the first thing most on the doorstep mention. Nick has really set things alive. It is going to be an interesting 2 weeks still to go.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

I wish you all the best with your campaigning - but I do wish you would stand on your own feet, fight your own policies and ditch the "can't win here" slogan.

Not only is it negative, encouraging tactical voting but is entirely the wrong message to place in people's minds as it applies far more to your party than the others.