Thursday, 8 April 2010

Local development framework creates heat

Day 3: Today was one mainly in the Council Chamber. Important issues on the future of the District Council and working with Mid Suffok District were discussed. The Council is not just considering shared services with MSDC but also a single Chief Executive and Senior management team. Operationally, 2 councils could act as 1 while still being separate constitutionally. The future may bring 1 Council covering both areas. Of course, Unitaries may still reappear but status quo is not an option, the finances will not allow it.

The local development framework was the issue that caused my colleague Martyn Booth to be his impassioned best. Martyn, I and others were not happy that the Regional Plan expects Babergh to put an extra 2416-3561 homes here between now and 2031, 60% were proposed to be in Sudbury and Great Cornard (1446 or 2136 in worst case scenario).
The Government has not invested in the infrastructure and the real concerns lie with the road infrastructure. Though broadband and water/drainage were also raised. We need affordable homes and internal migration will still bring people here. Yet, our main market town struggles now with traffic. Witness the nightmare that was Church St/Friars St while Cross St was closed.
Officers are going away to rewrite the questions for the consultation with the public.

On the doorstep, Newton Green confirmed the disillusionment with Labour here in South Suffolk. It was good to catch up with parents of former students and hear how they are succeeding. A good positive welcome. Though some are really fearing the overdose of media coverage in the next month!

To relax, its time for Outnumbered. Though the line who would you vote for to be PM to the little girl, gets the answer Simon Cowell. This has unnerved me!

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