Thursday 18 December 2008

Tory Fiasco over schools in Clare.

Conservatives are at each others throats again, this time over schools in Clare.

The Tory run County Council has refused parents wishes and their own party policy on a new secondary school in Clare.

Yet the inepitude started earlier.

Firstly, they decided to close excellent schools such as Clare Middle and Stoke by Nayland Middle School.

The key piece of evidence that children in the 2 tier system that achieve 7 B grades at GCSE would only get 6 B's and 1 C grade in the 3 tier system! Oh and of course, it was nothing to do with money!

Next they forgot that students from Clare middle school go to both Haverhill and Sudbury Upper schools. So when they started reorganisation and the foolish decision to close Clare Middle school they did the Haverhill pyramid first and decided to do the Sudbury pyramid later, forgetting those students from Cavendish, Glemsford, Hartest that then go on to Sudbury. Where would they go?

Next by reorganising, they put alot of schools on a death sentence that makes staff recruitment and retention very difficult and will see some schools being half empty for a number of years.One has to fear what might be the educational consequence.

What we need are all local secondary schools to be well resourced and quality schools. Choice would create winners and losers and as school funding relies on student numbers, the consequences for other local schools are quite evident.
It is apparent that parents have produced an excellent document and case for a secondary school remaining in Clare. The consequence for Clare's sustainability and viability could be negative.
Finally, the move to more vocational qualifications could make it very dificult for a small rural secondary. There will be many students moving between different schools and the West Suffolk College to be on a Vocational course as no one school can provide the full range. The times in schools are changing, hopefully the new curriculum will be for the better but thats for another post, another day.

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