Friday, 14 November 2008

Post office threat averted?

This Labour government had embarked on an attempt to get a private contractor to run the Card Account that delivers benefits and pensions. This is delivered at present by the Post Office. The threat of losing this contract to Paypoint or a major bank threatened another 3,000 post office closures. It was only a short time ago we lost 2,500 post offices and for every 1 saved another was closed.
Mant post offices support also a village shop. They rely on people coming to collect a benefit or pension and then spending money there. The social function is enormous and can be vital for a village's sustainability in planning terms. The Labour government see a several million £ loss per week as need for further privatisation. Mrs Thatcher would have been proud of New Labour in many ways. Often there is a need for innovation but some services are basic and part of the fabric of village life. Many elderly people suffer from isolation in rural areas and therefore the social function and contact is hard to value.
Thank goodness a change of mind has ocurred yesterday. The excuse the credit crunch, reality is probably not wanting more bad press and a successful lobby to halt this privatisation too far.

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