Monday, 24 August 2009

Sudbury's Party in the Park a great success.

The Town Council organised the free "Party in Belle Vue Park," it was a great family & community day. Opening with the excellent Ipswich samba band and with massive crowds the day included lots of displays and acctivities such as the climbing wall and a range of sports and then the last 4 hours included a range of local bands and for some it was their first "live" performance which made it even more impressive.
Hopefully something that will be repeated next year and each summer. Thanks town Council staff and to Babergh District Council for the use of the Park!

In Sudbury, "When you see a crowd, I see a flock."

Been meaning to post this picture for sometime about the unusual addition to Siam Gardens courtesy of Sudbury in Bloom. Cynics would say they would be vandalised but weeks later they are still there. Nice innovation. Keep it up.

Monday, 3 August 2009

Creative artwork to solve a problem in Sudbury

Today was the official opening of the Tesco underpass which had been a victim of graffitti and nusiance behaviour. The solution supported by Babergh and the Town Council and other agencies was an artwork project using national & local artists with 50+ youngsters. Many of those involved in the problems were also involved in creating and doing the artwork. In very few underpasses do you want to stop and admire the "architecture" and design but here is something that brings the place to life. It is also something that will hopefully stop future graffitti and problems.
I was delighted to be at the opening with Cllr Martyn Booth my Lib Dem colleague in Sudbury as he was involved in Babergh's Community Safety Partnership that helped fund the project and I'm delighted to say Babergh officers who worked very hard co-ordinating it.