Saturday, 6 June 2009

South Suffolk results: Suffolk County Council

June 5th was a day of mixed feelings. The results across the Babergh area showed the Conservatives on 43.7%, the Liberal Democrats on 34%, Labour on 9.3%, UKIP 3.8% and Green 1%. The turnout was 40.5%, better than expected.
We held onto our 3 seats of our hardworking councillors and came mightly close in the Stour Valley where Bryn Hurren was only 45 short of gaining the seat. We had good performances especially in Samford and Sudbury. Great Cornard was a promising performance too.
The Labour vote was awful. South Suffolk is a 2 horse race. Labour have no councillors and struggled to field candidates bringing in people from Stowmarket & Ipswich.
At a General Election there is a simple choice between Tory and Lib Dem here.